If you have recently installed or updated FulGaz on your Apple TV and cannot (or can no longer) see your Bluetooth devices listed on the pairing screen, please try the following steps:
1. Ensure your trainer and/or devices are switched on, broadcasting and NOT connected to any other apps or your cycling head unit.
2. Turn off any other devices in the area that may be causing interference (Bluetooth speakers, mobile phones, wireless keyboards, Garmin Edge, etc).
3. Unplug your Apple TV and trainer from mains power for a minute, then restart.
Is Bluetooth authorised for FulGaz?
It's possible you may have denied Bluetooth access when first loading the app.
This is easy to do when tapping through the pop-up messages.
To enable Bluetooth permissions...
- Select the Settings app on your Apple TV home screen
- Go to General -> Privacy
- Select Bluetooth Sharing
- Locate FulGaz and check it is set to While Using the App
- Reboot your Apple TV (power off from wall / on again)
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