The Apple TV has a connection limit of two Bluetooth devices (three including the remote).
This is not something we can work around in FulGaz, as it is a hardware feature. Any Bluetooth devices that are broadcasting data will show up on the FulGaz connections screen for Apple TV, and the Apple TV will let you connect to them, but in-app the Apple TV will only read data from two of them.
This is a connection limit, not a limit to the number of signals the Apple TV can view.
Most modern smart trainers send all their data (trainer control, power, and cadence) over one channel, leaving the second one open for a heart rate monitor so this is not an issue, but if you then wish to connect a third sensor, the Apple TV will have hit it's limit.
For example if you connect your smart trainer, a HR monitor and also a CORE body temperature sensor to FulGaz on Apple TV, one of those sensors will not display data. Or if you have an older trainer, a heart rate monitor, and also a separate cadence sensor, the Apple TV will only let FulGaz read data from two of those devices.
This was a strange answer. Zwift has solved the issue by connecting through the companion app, but FulGaz won’t do that. Maybe I’m stupid, but how can we connect the Wahoo Tickr heart rate sensor and the cadence sensor with one signal?
I'm not an expert, but I think that, the CABLE device that translates ANT+ to BLE allows the ANT+ channels to be bundled into various FE-C profiles that are then sent over BLE.
If FulGaz supported the "Fitness Machine Profile" then power, cadence, speed, and heart rate could be handled over BLE.
Until Fasgaz (Apple TV) is able to receive heart rate information, I'll have to pass on this application, even though I like what I see.
Keep striving to make the product better.
Not certain how late I am in this, however, I had the same issue re HR data, but at the suggestion of Mike Clacas, I turned off all Bluetooth electronics, with the exception of my smart trainer. It worked like a charm. I was able to capture all the metrics I needed, including my HR monitor data. It’s Apple that is the issue.
Still not sure how to do this. I have Apple TV, Wahoo Kickr, Wahoo Cadence Sensor and Wahoo tickr. How do i set this up to show all HR and Cadence
You can’t connect all 3 to Apple TV unless your Wahoo Tickr is a Tickr X. If it is, it can transmit cadence and HR with one signal to the Apple TV.
I’ve got a Wahoo Tickr, not a Wahoo Tickr X so I don’t have that option.
Excuse my ignorance but what I don't understand is how a strap around your chest can measure the cadence on your crank. Perhaps there is something i am missing
Apologize for not being more specific. You need a separate cadence sensor, but if your HR monitor is capable of receiving the cadence signal, like the Tickr X is, it can transmit both signals (HR and cadence) to the AppleTV in one Bluetooth signal.
So one final question in terms of pairing does that mean you only pair the Tickr X with Apple TV or you pair both and then deselect the cadence sensor. So in other words how do I set it up so that I see cadence and heart rate. Thanks D
Isn’t the cadence built into your smart trainer? I don’t need to select “cadence”—just the smart trainer and HR monitor. Power and cadence is automatic (through the smart trainer). I have the Tacx Vortex.
To Daglygre
Have done some investigation and have been advised by Wahoo technical that the Tickr X reads cadence by its motion sensor which is why it should only be used for indoor cycling. It does not use the cadence sensor.
To: Caos
Not all Smart trainers read cadence. so the Wahoo Kickr does not read cadence you need to use a cadence sensor or the less accurate Tickr X
Good to know, thanks BAH60.
I disabled the remote on the Apple TV and used the builtin controller on the iPhone.
I then had 3 different BT devices for power, cadence and HR working - seemed to work for me.
Got the tip from DC Rainmaker's site.
As a person in the trial phase of FulGaz and have an AppleTV, I respectfully submit that not using a companion app on an iOS device to support more than 2 bluetooth devices is not a good answer. You already have FulGaz on an iPhone that can read all those sensors just fine and the step to allowing iPhone FulGaz to stream the data over TCP/IP to the AppleTV is not a significant new development effort.
You can get it to read from more than 2 BT devices if you are happy using the iPhone as the remote.
Just installed Fulgaz on Apple TV. Using NPE with Zwift I can have my Wahoo Kickr, Ant+ Power meter, Ant+ HRM all connected. Power and cadence from the Power Meter.
This setup does not work in Fulgaz. No HRM and no option for the app to use Powermeter for watts and cadence. NPE is shown as an option but not under power. Tried a restart of Apple TV.
If you have the NPE cable you can get cadence and heart rate through that.
For power, FulGaz and the KICKR work together in a much more integrated way than you're used to in Zwift. Go to settings > Advanced trainer settings and use "Power from ANT+ Power meter" you'll then need to enter the ANT+ Id of your power meter.
Once you've done that, the KICKR will forward the power from your cranks directly into FulGaz via bluetooth (instead of it's own internal power).
Does not work. HRM signal comes through the NPE but not Power/Cadence even after entering the ANT+ ID (e.g. 4367). Restarted app, Kickr and even Apple TV. This just works in Zwift and IMO these steps should not be needed.
This is a CABLE setup issue. You're probably still paired to Zwift, therefore the signal can't get through to FulGaz.
It is almost working perfectly now thanks!. I watched the video tutorial and waited for the on-screen message. Sure enough it found the PM and I completed my first FulGaz ride!
The one thing that still does not work is cadence. The PM normally provides this?
Any suggestions?
I'm in the trial period of FulGaz and looking to decide what product to use for my winter training.
I have a kinetic rock and roll controller and Wahoo Cadence and Wahoo Speed all connected together on NPE Cable. And using Apple TV.
If I use Rouvy - all the sensors etc can be connected as the single bluetooth device created by NPE Cable.
This does not seem possible with FulGaz. It will allow the trainer to connect but completely ignores the cadence sensor (as Cable). It will let me connect to the cadence sensor as another (the last) bluetooth connection.
I have - in all my testing - made sure that there are no other bluetooth devices active and have power cycled both the apple tv and the kinetic controller between each test (one app at a time),
Speed sensor (I know it's not required) does not connect either. I'm interested in this aspect as well since the speed shown in FulGaz is consistently lower than shown by the Wahoo Speed sensor (I have correct tire size) .
Is this a limitation in FulGaz ? A problem with how I'm doing it? A problem with my expectations? A bug ?
Please advise as this will aid in my decision as to which product.
P.S. I really like FulGaz (but like Rouvy too). As an expat - being able to ride some routes from the "old country" has a certain charm :-)
Mike Clucas ^^^^
Thanks to berksgr and DC Rainmaker, will try wo the factory BT remote next time to get over this hump.
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