If you are having difficulty connecting your devices to FulGaz via Bluetooth, it is likely that another app is “clinging” to your Bluetooth connection. You may need to clear your Bluetooth so that FulGaz is able to recognise it. To do this...
1) Exit any other applications that may be using your Bluetooth connection (Zwift, RGT, etc,.) either directly or in the background.
2) Go into your device’s settings and turn Bluetooth off, then back on again.
3) Give your device a reboot (power off completely, on again) then reopen FulGaz. Most of the time this will do the trick, freeing up your Bluetooth connections and allowing FulGaz to find your devices.
A few other things to check:
- Ensure that Bluetooth is authorised for FulGaz. You can check this (and change your preference) in the Settings app on your iOS device or Apple TV home screen.
For iOS, head to settings, scroll down to FulGaz and check Bluetooth permissions.
For Apple TV, select the Settings app. Go to General -> Privacy. Select Bluetooth Sharing. Locate FulGaz and check it is set to While Using the App. Reboot your Apple TV (power off from wall / on again).
- Bluetooth connections on Android. It may be that FulGaz does not have Location Services permissions on your Android device, this will unfortunately also deny Bluetooth use.
To resolve this, please see this FAQ article.
A note for Apple TV users: The Apple TV unit can only communicate with two external devices at a time, plus the supplied remote. You will encounter issues if you are trying to connect more than two (eg: a turbo trainer, heart rate monitor and also a separate cadence sensor). You can work around this by using devices that broadcast more than one signal, for example a turbo trainer than sends both power and cadence.
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