Promo codes can be used in FulGaz to unlock exclusive content, grant access to special events or to redeem extended free trials. Where you enter the code will depend on whether you are a new rider yet to register your account, or are adding a code to your existing FulGaz account.
NOTE: If you have been given a coupon code to use when purchasing a FulGaz membership, this needs to be entered elsewhere - not in the promo code area. You will need to enter your coupon code when purchasing your membership after your trial has expired. Please click here for instructions.
Entering FulGaz Promo Codes
1) Using a FulGaz Code when first registering
Firstly, thanks for choosing to ride with us! Once you have downloaded the FulGaz app to your device and loaded the app for the first time, you will be asked to either log in or create an account. Click on "Create Account."
On the following page, you will be asked to fill in your personal details, email address and choose a username and password. Under the user details box is an option to enter the code.
2) Adding a FulGaz Code to your existing account
If you already have a FulGaz account and have been given a code to use, you can either enter this within the app itself or on your Member's Page of the FulGaz website.
Within the app, click settings (the "cog" icon in the top right corner) and scroll down to Your Account. You will see the Promo Code option here.
3) Adding a promo code via your Member's Page
Alternatively, you can log into your Member's Page and enter the code there. Simply click the link below, log into your account and then hit the "Add Promo Code" button beneath the subscription options.
NOTE: You may need to restart FulGaz for any changes to take place. If you have been given a code to unlock access to a ride collection or event, you may need to hit Update Ride List in FulGaz settings for the new rides to show on your device.
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