Synology NAS Configuration
Here's some step-by-step instructions shared with us by a fellow FulGaz user on getting his Synology NAS configured to support FulGaz on Apple TV.
"Set up the NAS web server using Apache, then put a .htaccess file in the root to force the web server to render the directory of mp4 files correctly for FulGaz."
1. Create a shared folder named FulGaz. Copy/Move any FulGaz MP4 files into this folder.
2. From Package Centre install Web Station, Apache HTTP Server 2.2 and PHP 5.6.
3. in Web Station General Settings set HTTP back-end server to Apache 2.2 and PHP to PHP 5.6.
4. In Web Station Virtual Host create a Port-based Host for HTTP on port 8888.
5. In Document Root click on the Browse button and select your FulGaz folder, allow Web Station to set permissions.
6. Set back-end server and PHP as above.
7. In the FulGaz folder create a file named .htaccess (including the full stop at the start of the name, using the Synology Text Editor. The file should contain the following directives:
Options +Indexes
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
IndexOptions SuppressIcon
IndexOptions SuppressRules
IndexOptions SuppressDescription
indexOptions SuppressColumnSorting
8. Test using your PC browser, eg, This should list the contents of your FulGaz folder.
9. Set the FulGaz NAS settings to your NAS IP address, port 8888 and path to /
After a short while FulGaz will show your network rides.
A big thanks to Andy Wond for the above information!
Sometimes you may get an error along the lines of "NAS connected but no rides found."
Generally, if this happens, it's because (as the name suggests) FulGaz can't find the rides. Error messages can be a bit vague or misleading at the best of times, so let's look at a way to check this
The definitive settings test
FulGaz is simply streaming video files over your home network, so if FulGaz can see those files, so can every other device on the network. All you need to do is copy and paste a test URL into a web browser.
Here's a test address from my home network
Here's what the address means
http:// - The protocol used for streaming - The IP address of my iMac when accessed over WiFi
:8888/ - The port used for HTTP streaming (it's Port 80 on a PC)
TT-U23.mp4 - The name of the video to be streamed
Try creating your own test address. The video should start streaming almost instantly. If you get a "not found" message, you've got a setting wrong somewhere.
Further troubleshooting ...
Is MAMP actually turned on? (Servers running)
Have you got the root directory of MAMP set correctly?
Have you got streaming set to https by mistake?
Is streaming actually turned on in FulGaz?
Try pressing the "Reset Cache" button in the FulGaz NAS settings, then wait for the list to populate (rides usually start appearing in 15 seconds or so).
Hint to save you pulling your hair out in despair!
If you get the IP address wrong, FulGaz can sit and wait forever trying to resolve an incorrect address and basically just lock up on startup and prevent you from doing anything. If this happens, turn your WiFi off and restart (or if it's plugged in, pull the Ethernet cable out). FulGaz will then instantly turn NAS off.
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