If you are trying to start a FulGaz ride – either streamed or downloaded to your device – and the ride only displays as a black screen like below, there is a solution!
1) Corrupt video download or storage space error
Sometimes, FulGaz can be “tricked” into thinking a download is complete or a ride video is ready to be streamed when the file has not transferred correctly. To resolve this, simply delete the download from your settings.
You can find your video downloads in Video Settings. Click on the Settings “cog” in the top right-hand corner of the main screen to access the menu.
Scroll through your list until you find the ride you were attempting to play, then delete it the file.
You can also delete the ride video file or access your settings from the Ride Description page.
Once you have deleted the ride video, give your device a full reboot (power off completely, on again) to fully clear any temporary files and reset the available space.
If needed, you can then re-download the ride video.
2) File quality settings clash
Sometimes you may encounter the black screen when attempting to ride an older FulGaz video shot in 720p or 1080p max quality, especially if your download preference is set to 4K. This problem may be accompanied by a “1080p : null” or similar message when attempting to download the ride.
To get around this, first delete the current download (see point 1 above), then temporarily change your download preference to 720p by clicking on the settings “cog” in the top right hand corner of the main screen, then scrolling down to Video Settings.
As we continue to remove or re-film many of the older FulGaz rides in full 4K quality versions, this will become less of an issue. Just remember to switch the quality back to your preferred higher setting once you have finished the ride.
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