Written by FulGaz contributor John Hallas.
The standard 20-minute test is used to determine your current FTP and determine the correct zones that workouts (and TSS) will be based upon.
You should be well-rested, which means either a rest day or an easy day beforehand. Be well-hydrated and prepared mentally.
It could be helpful to have ridden the Kinglake ride beforehand just to get a feel for what it looks and feels like. The test should be taken in steady mode
The key to the test is to pace it well with all the five-minute intervals being roughly the same power. It is common to push hard in the first few minutes but try and resist that otherwise you will no doubt suffer in the last few minutes.
For first-timers with no current FTP it is hard to determine what effort to go out at so I suggest looking at the power you have put out on a 20-25 minute climb within FulGaz and add 5% to it.
Your FTP is determined by 95% of the average watts you have generated during the test.
For those with an FTP number in mind then you will be experienced enough to know what you can attempt - are you more or less fitter than the last test? Adjust your target accordingly.
The original protocol for the test includes a 5-minute interval at full 5-minute power followed by a 10-minute recovery section and then the main test. The Kinglake ride has a 3-minute section with 5 minutes recovery than the test. I have found that riding that at 5-minute power works well and I get FTP numbers that I would expect.
During the main section focus on breathing and keeping your power constant. A slight disadvantage of following a video is that you will likely need to change gears to maintain power, on the other hand, the video is nicely distracting and does make time pass quicker.
The normal advice is to work towards the 5-minute intervals. However, for some reason I use the 16,12 and 8-minute marks as being the key ones - I am aware of the 5-minute segments and FulGaz informs you of your progress through the test at each of those points.
At the end of the test, FulGaz will show your new FTP on screen. Remember to amend it in any other training apps you use such as Training Peaks or Zwift.
Consider a test as a good workout and the more often you perform them the more accustomed you become to them and the truer the results will be.
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